Rat Race is a 2001 comedy film directed by Jerry Zucker, written by Andy Breckman, and starring an ensemble cast, including Rowan Atkinson, Whoopi GoldbergOwen is left stranded in the desert by a vengeful cab driver who lost $20,000 on his bad call, but comes across a coach filled with women going to an I Love Lucy convention and disguises himself as the driver. Nearing Silver City, the bus hits the cow dangling from the hot air balloon, swerving off the road and suffering a puncture (and eventually rolling over). Owen breaks down, reveals he is not a coach driver and is forced to flee from the women. The (apparently Jewish) Pear family mistakenly visit a museum dedicated to Nazi Klaus Barbie, but after the Cody brothers vandalize their car engine, they steal Adolf Hitler's Mercedes-Benz staff car. Randy accidentally insults a biker gang, who attack the car, causing the Pears to crash into a meeting for World War II veterans, who believe the family to be Nazis. Randy later drugs his family, who wished to stop the race, and hitches a ride on a semi tractor to reach Silver City. watch more
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